Translation for 'environmental' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations.


The Parties agree to cooperate in relevant areas of transport policy with a view to improving investment opportunities and the movement of goods and passengers, promoting aviation safety and security, combating piracy, protecting the environment protection, and increasing the efficiency of their transport systems.

SNS economic policy council report 2020: Swedish Policy for Global Researcher at the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and  Environmental policy. If you are interested in what we can do for your company please contact one of our sales representatives. Gotland: Ken  Environmental Policy. For Train Alliance environmental concerns are both critically important and an integrated part of our business concept.

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SNS economic policy council report 2020: Swedish Policy for Global Researcher at the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and  Environmental policy. If you are interested in what we can do for your company please contact one of our sales representatives. Gotland: Ken  Environmental Policy. For Train Alliance environmental concerns are both critically important and an integrated part of our business concept.

The 2019 EIR shows that the standard of environmental policy implementation in Sweden remains high. Nevertheless, the conservation status of all grassland habitats and many of their associated species is still unfavourable, although the use of agri-environmental schemes to support the conservation of grasslands seems

Kommuninvest i Sverige AB Box 124 Contextualising the Advocacy Coalition Framework: theorising change in Swedish forest policy. E Hysing, J Olsson. Environmental politics 17 (5), 730-748, 2008.


Miljöpolitik. Svensk definition. Miljöprogram och förordningar rörande människans interaktion med naturen och naturresurser.

Continue green production: Periodically audit and review to ensure continuous improvement results of implementation of the environment policy, maintaining altogether the green global village. In 2017, Sweden’s Riksdag decided by a large political majority to introduce a climate policy framework with a climate act for Sweden. This framework is the most important climate reform in Sweden’s history and sets out implementation of the Paris Agreement in Sweden. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has a wide environmental profile. We combine applied research and development with close collaboration between industry and the public sphere.
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Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol 2, s  tools that are used in international environment management, and the correlation between the EU and Swedish environmental policy. EU environmental law is  Teamtailor shall promote environmental awareness and all employees to prioritize and consider the environment in their daily work. Our  Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (Tidskrift). Tynkkynen, N. (Granskare). FSE Gemensamma.

SVERIGE. Våra åtaganden formas av interna policies och förfaranden som beskriver vår hållbarhetsstrategi. Code of Conduct (in Environmental Policy (in English only).
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Talrika exempel på översättningar klassificerade efter aktivitetsfältet av “industrial environmental policy” – Engelska-Svenska ordbok och den intelligenta 

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